Client: Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre
eCommerce website for Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre
Another flagship website, this time for the Quakers. Fully responsive for every conceivable screen size, completely editable by the client, and able to take payments for a huge range of courses, and for bed and breakfast accommodation.
It's a dramatic improvement on their old website, allowing them full control and enabling them to grow the business without being held back by technology.
Woodbrooke have been absolutely delightful to work with, with clear briefs, concise planning meetings and an excellently managed process.
Here's what their Marketing Officer said about the experience of working with us:
"Morse-Brown Design have been a pleasure to work with, and have pulled off the monumental task of giving a 114 year-old organisation a fresh, modern and respectful brand identity, while simultaneously designing and building a unique and inspiring website. Right from the start, I was very impressed with their attention to detail and their understanding of the task ahead. When it came to designing and developing the website, I found the whole process very easy, and simple to follow. Their approach is very flexible and I was impressed by their problem-solving abilities. I found myself saying "Wow, look how cool this is!" to my colleagues on a regular basis. Be warned, If you are tasked with keeping the launch of a new website secret, Morse-Brown Design will probably 'wow' you into blabbing about it to everyone and anyone!"